Tågteve (Artist Book)

The Artist Book Tågteve (Train TV) is a continuation of the installation Tågteve, displayed along the railway between Stockholm and Uppsala (Sweden) in the summer of 2012. Via 28 large subtitle signs, the passenger was able to follow a dialogue about travelling and reality as a film. The book contains of a series of photographs and three essays by Marianna Garin, art historian and freelance curator, Khashayar Naderehvandi, poet and Monica Sand, artist and researcher. Design by Sandra Praun. Published on Jon Brunberg Publishing in 2016.

Translation of the signs in the form of subtitles:

– Will the action never start?
– What do you mean?
– This is how it continues.
– Will we never leave this place?
– Then where are we now?
– We’re here, of course.
– I’ve forgotten how it was recently.
– What does all this have to do with me?
– But you are here.
– Just a moment!
– What?
– I don’t know anymore.
– What were you thinking about?
– It disappeared.
– How did I get here?
– We’ve been here all along.
– Does it go on like this?
– Are you sure?
– This is all I know.
– Everything’s moving!
– You’re the one who’s moving.
– Do you like it?
– Are you still there?
– I am here.

Tågteve – the book was made with support from Längmanska kulturfonden and Uppsala Municipality. The book is available at Adlibris, Bokus, Konst-ig, and various Art Halls such as Bonniers Konsthall, Malmö Konsthall, Uppsala Konstmuseum, etc.

You Are Here Now

A performance that takes place in the relation between three subjects: a Text, a Me and a You.

The text addresses questions of the responsibilities and room for manoeuvre of the Text, the You (who is the reader of the text) and the I (who is the writer of the text). Passages of the texts take shape as an inner monologue of the I, through personal account of the doubts, hopes and efforts of writing.

The questions of the performance span across subjects of play, power, responsibility, position, presence, materiality, resistance and crisis.

Published in Paletten Art Journal #317, September 25, 2019