My Lindh
Solo Show

Nordic Panoramas, Landscape No. 1-3

Konstnärshuset, Stockholm
13/02 – 08/03/2020

In the exhibition Nordic Panoramas, Landscape No. 1-3, My Lindh shows several works from an ongoing video series of the same name. The works deal with the image of the Nordic landscape. The tranquil depiction puts the landscape in a barely noticeable but brutal movement.

As the writer J.B. Jackson articulates, the view of the landscape contains questions about organization of space: who owns or uses the sites, how they were created and how they are changed. Lindh’s investigation is about the landscape’s politics, ideas, movement and identity.

The word landscape originates in the German 15th century term landschaft – a created land, and denotes what our gaze can capture in one piece. The word panorama comes from the Greek word pan, whole, all, everything and ho’rama, sight, view. The panorama is used in both a painting and photographic tradition as a long and narrow image that reflects a wide view, often of a landscape.

Inauguration February 13, 5–8pm.
Opening hours: February 14–27, Wed–Thu 12–5pm, Fri–Sun 12–4pm


My Lindh
Solo Show

What my gaze did to the birds

Ebeling Museum, Eskilstuna, Sweden
18/01 – 05/04/2020

The exhibition What my gaze did to the birds is site specific and partly takes it starting point in the place where it is installed.

The works deal with a state of instability and approaching change in relation to nature, animals and ecosystems.  The exhibition consists of video, site-specific texts, sounds and sculpture.

Vernissage Saturday, January 18 at 12–4pm
Inauguration at 1pm


Inauguration of CIK Art Collection

CIK, Knivsta, Sweden

The CIK (Center for Sports and Culture in Knivsta) was inaugurated with public art commissions as well as the art collection.

The art collection consists of works by My Lindh, Éva Mag, Ludvig Helin, Katja Larsson, Tobias Sjöberg, Gfeller/Hellsgård, Linnea Rygaard, Camilla Iliefski, Ylva Carlgren, Ylva Ceder, Lisa Jonason, Alexander Skats, David von Bahr, Ulrika Sparre, Jon Kvie, Ivar Lövheim, Anette Wixner and Bård Breivik. The public art works are made by Juri Markkula, Liva Isakson Lundin, Cecilia Ömalm and Susanne Vollmer.

My Lindh

Nordic Panoramas, Landscape No. 2 at 36. Kasseler Dokfest

Kassel, Germany
12 – 17/11/2019

The short video Nordic Panoramas, Landscape No. 2 is officially selected for the film festival 36. Kasseler Dokfest, November 12-17, 2019.

The video will be screened at the KulturBahnhof Kassel: BALi Kinos, November 17, 2019 at 12pm as part of the programme Kein schöner Land.

Complete festival program (PDF)


You Are Here Now published in Paletten Art Journal #317


The sculptural event (also called the text) You Are Here Now is published in the Swedish Art Journal Paletten #317, released 25 September 2019.

More about Paletten #317

The Performance You Are Here Now

My Lindh

I only get to borrow the forest, EKFA Residency Solo Show

Möklintagården, Sala, Sweden
21/09 – 04/10/2019

My Lindh’s solo show I only get to borrow the forest in Möklinta as part of the EKFA residency opens September 21th and goes on until October 4th. The exhibition is the result of a close collaboration with the residents of the rural village Möklinta.

The EKFA residency is an initiative of Aguélimuseet in Sala and is financed by Sala municipality, Konstfrämjandet Västmanland, Region Västmanland and Kulturrådet.

Saturday 21/09 | 11-15
Performance lecture by My Lindh at 11.30 and 13.30

Opening hours:
23/09–04/10 | 9-12

My Lindh

Landscape Takeover at Galleri Syster

Galleri Syster, Luleå, Sweden
06 – 28/09/2019

The exhibition Landscape Takeover is shown at Galleri Syster in Luleå, Sweden. The exhibition is a duo with My Lindh and Liselotte Wajstedt.


Nordic Panoramas, Landscape No. 2 and No. 3 part of the Public Art Agency Collection

The videos Nordic Panoramas, Landscape No. 2 and No. 3 are now part of the Public Art Agency Collection. This means that the whole video series, Nordic Panoramas, Landscape No. 1-3 is part of the Public Art Agency Collection. The video series will be installed at the Folke Bernadotte Academy.